Little Cypress Creek Preserve
Telge Rd and Spring Cypress Rd
United States
-95° -95' 15.9552" N 29° 29' 8.4479999999999" W

Little Cypress Creek Preserve (LCCP) is a 58-acre property with a series of 10 man-made shallow ponds* designed to mature into a vibrant, functioning wetland. In addition to recreational hiking, jogging, biking, and horseback riding, the preserve is used as an educational nature area. Future plans for the preserve include developing it into an educational and recreational nature area.

*Swimming, boats, canoes, and kayaks are not permitted in lakes or ponds.

This preserve was acquired at no cost to the county through conservation easement wetland mitigation in a public/private partnership between Precinct 4 and Bayou Land Conservancy.

A volunteer workday in March 2005 marked the official opening of Little Cypress Creek Preserve. Personnel and volunteers from Bayou Land Conservancy, Texas Master Naturalists, and Precinct 4’s Parks Department cleared debris and planted trees as part of the opening day activities.

Trails- Hiking
Trails- biking
Trails- horse
Things To Do: 
Canoeing/ Kayaking
Hiking/ walking
Horseback Riding